• Toke69
    I mis-stated in an earlier post that the Ags don't play until Dec. 8. I overlooked this game with William Jessup, which I think is an NAIA team that the Aggies should beat easily.
  • Oldbanduhalum

    This will be an interesting game. William Jessup is 0-0 officially, but has already played 3 exhibition games against D1 teams (Fresno St, Seattle U, and UPortland). Although they were pretty well overmatched vs. Fresno and Seattle, they only lost to Portland by 10. I imagine we'll see different lineups on the court. It should be a good time to get everyone on the roster some meaningful minutes.
  • DrMike
    Glad this is a video game; good to put faces with names and get an idea of strengths and weaknesses
  • Zander
    Is that a twitter streaming link I see? Cautiously optimistic.

    Not that I'm a fan of too much consolidation of content, I do think that having games only available on the BWTV's obscure streaming website isn't a very good look for the conference. Honestly the facebook link for the Women's home opener was the best experience I ever had with a Big West TV game
  • Gunrock47
    Hopefully they have the links working. The stream and radio were both down for the entire first half of the women’s game last week. It was absolutely pathetic. Seems like UC Davis has this problem A LOT. Kind of expect more from a Division I program
  • Oldbanduhalum
    I think it's only going to be streamed on bigwest.tv . I agree that the picture on Facebook for the women's game was pretty good. No doubt that our bigwest stream is tough to handle sometimes.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Murphy and McGill a little more. We are going to need them to be effective so they can spell Koehler and Hogland. And hopefully Fuller can build on his nice second half against Idaho St after struggling in the first two games.
  • BlueGoldAg
    47-33 Ags at the half.

    Pretty uneven half for the Aggies. The offense seems to be ahead of the defense so far this year. I lost count of how many backdoor cuts and dribble drive layups the Warriors scored. You can be sure that Les will not be happy with that kind of porous defense.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    We did seem to be a step slow on defense. That carried over to the defensive boards too. Not enough guys fighting for the rebounds.
  • DrMike
    Transition defense was really weak today. Not too surprising we were a bit sluggish; weird atmosphere, weird start time. BJ Shaw looks like he might contribute.
  • BlueGoldAg
    95-62 Final. The Aggie offense got on a roll midway through the second half but, the our defense left a lot to be desired....layup after layup by the Warriors. Rebounding remains a problem as well...Ags 30-29 but gave up 10 offensive rebounds.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    Certainly Shaws most productive game as an Aggie I think. That’d be a plus if he could give us some positive minutes
  • Toke69
    Next up: Cal Baptist from the WAC. Hard to figure the Lancers who took USC to OT bu then lost to a mediocre Southeast Louisiana team. The WAC was rivaled the Pac-8 for best in the west in the day when it had the likes of Arizona, New Mexico, Brigham Young, Utah and Arizona State, but they've now dwindled to being probably one of the weakest conferences in NCAA Div. 1. They've become a stepping stone to better leagues, even the Big West. Cal Baptist has only been a WAC member since 2018.
  • DrMike
    CBU beat up SE in a rematch today. I was hoping to see former Ag Mikey Henn, but it looks like he’s a grad transfer up at Portland after playing one year with the Lancers (and sitting out a year with injury)
  • BlueGoldAg
    CBU is becoming a tough basketball program and they have nice facilities. I actually think they would be a good fit for the Big West Conference.
  • Zander
    I just looked their arena up and it's much nicer than I expected. Not the biggest, but a "real D1" venue unlike some schools we know in the state
  • 88Aggie
    Mikey is getting a lot of playing time and is one of their main players. Noticed Gio Nelson is at Portland State after a year at Arizona Western JC, but doesn’t seem to be a starter. Coach Les likes to play small and doesn’t use his big guys much. They don’t figure into the offense as he prefers 3 pointers and the big guys usually don’t get a lot of rebounds either as they must be out of position. Seems like a lot of our big guys leave and it might be hard to recruit good big guys with our offense. Mikey was never going to be a big scorer, so not a big loss. He did hustle and work really hard though.
  • Goags20172
    LOL You can just go ahead and say Sac State. Nobody would disagree, although I will say Hornet Gym is just about the right size for the crowds they get. If they went ahead with that 3200-seat arena they tried to get funding for they would just have 2000 empty seats on the best nights. They should ptobably just count on no fans this season. You could limit attendance to 20%, but those 240 people would scarcely have anywhere to get away from each other. But what do you if you're Sac State-build an 1,800 seat gym ? What's the point ? The fans just aren't there for that.

    I remember a funny and pathetic moment from the Hornet Gym though. There was a women's game where the scoreboard went out, so they brought in a portable one, which also failed. The rest of the half was played with someone using a timer. The announcer really didn't know the players w/o the scoreboard showing the #'s so they just didn't call anything. At the half spectators didn't know what the score was. The end result was another loss for the hornets, who were 0-29 that season. They would've been 0-30, but the 20+ point drubbing by Holy Names in the first game was an exhibition. That coach was terrible, but somehow she landed a WNBA gig after they let her go.

    I can't think of any other ones in the area that are of poor quality, except maybe USF. I say maybe USF because I only saw the outside of the bball gym when I was there. Its exterior was in keeping with the dull, decaying 1950's community college motif they seem to be going for. The big church is nice-looking though.
  • DrMike
    Southern California, along with San Joaquin, is going to the SIP starting tonight. i would imagine that's going to effect basketball for the near term.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Man, what a year of tragedy and chaos...2020 can't get over quick enough!
  • AggieOutcast
    I saw Goags' comment about the Chico State Satellite's gym and here's how I look at it. Sacramento is a Kings town. It has never bled Hornet green. The community has always treated Sac State like a red-haired stepchild (even before the Kings arrived). Their athletic director is no Kevin Johnson in terms on trying to bring everyone together (the students, alumni, heavy hitters/movers and shakers and just common Sacramento area residents). My advice to Sac State would be to go back to Division II (there are openings in the California Collegiate Athletic Association with UC San Diego departed and the Pacific West Conference with Notre Dame de Namur dropping intercollegiate athletics). I wouldn't mind seeing the Hornets develop a rivalry with their parent school up Highway 99, as well as schools like Humboldt, Sonoma, Cal State East Bay and San Francisco State. With all due respect to UC Davis, I feel the Chico State Satellite's biggest rivalry is with its own city. No wonder Grant Napear wouldn't talk about Hornet sports when he had his radio show. Simply put, no one in Sacramento cares about Sac State and any hope of them ever being a viable Division I athletic program went out the window a long time ago. The only thing Sacramento cares about is pro sports (the Kings and the Republic FC) I have a new fight song for them in my message below.
  • AggieOutcast
    This is a follow up to my last message which best describes Sacramento's non-existent relationship with its university. Probably would've been better off in the trash talking board, but I really believe this is how Sacramento feels about its disinterest in Sac State. Note the Kings reference in the next to last line.

    New Sacramento State Fight Song (To the tune of Chico State's fight song)

    S A C R, A M E N, T O, State! Go Away!
    Sacramento State, we don't care much about them!
    They do nothing right! Might as well just give up!
    Boo! Boo! Boo!
    We're not interested,
    'Cause they don't wear gray and purple!
    Nobody cares at all, 'bout Sacramento State!
  • DrMike
    SoCal is shut down with less than 10% ICU availability but basketball continues? Greater Sscis still open, barely, but no basketball in Yolo?

    Of course, I’m in a county (Alameda) that shut down with 25% availablity, and made it 4 weeks. Love the constancy!
  • Gunrock47
    I know :(
    Yolo hasn’t even met the state benchmark but has shut down preemptively. I’m sure the local business owners who are struggling already just love that. Go away covid! Bah humbug
  • Russ Bowlus
    Planning ahead for the expected post Thanksgiving cases.
  • 69aggie
    Unfortunately, the fact that Sac State is so lamentable as noted above has the curious effect of bringing down UC Davis’ media exposure as well, at least with regards to the Bee. Ever notice how the Chronicle covers Cal, Stanford, USF, Santa Clara and even SF State with a mostly very positive approach? Not so the Bee. The Bee established an editorial policy regarding UC Davis way back in the ‘60-70’s time frame. Before that, UC Davis was just a good Ag school- nothing much to write about. But then everything changed when the new law school, new medical school, GSM came on board together with a very much enhanced L&S College together with huge new research efforts that even made headlines in the Bay Area. So the Bee decided it would basically just either not cover UC Davis/Davis stories or to cover them in the worst light possible. Otherwise, the stories out of UC Davis would overwhelm the local Sacramento journalistic landscape. Ever wonder why the Bee covers even Picnic Day by emphasizing all the negatives first: number of arrests, public drinking, any negative fraternity events, number of police officers needed on campus, etc. very little positive at all. This goes on even today. Front page news in the Bee this week: “UC Davis Fraternity hosts spreader event party amid Covid pandemic.” Never mind it never happened as was later proven. No report on that. UC Davis Health will be one of the first hospital systems in the state to get the Covid vaccine for the Sac area. Big prestigious news for the Sac region? Not for the Bee. Zero coverage. I thought mistakenly that with the new Bee ownership this might change. Not so. So you are not alone AggieOutcast, you are right on it!.
  • MTBAggie

    Regarding the USF gym, my wife went to USF (and my brother and sister-in-law who set us up), and we've had fun times in that gym. 10+ years ago we watched USF beat Gonzaga, which was an awesome night. Say what you want about outdated gyms, but it's really nice in there, in my opinion. There is a ton of history in that building. When we were there for the Davis game a year or two ago, I had to give a group of 10 or so young, drunk Davis grads a history lesson about Bob St. Claire. "Woah..."
  • Goags20172
    Great story ! Glad to hear it's nicer inside the gym.
  • movielover
    It seems like Ketmoree Thai in downtown is likely to close, I'm sure others, too.

    Imagine if "normal" life isn't back to Davis for another 9 months?

    BTW, is it true our yearly flu death total, which should be around 60,000 - 70,000, is near zero? And ICUs in some parts of the state had a normal occupancy of 90%, so 85% or less is stricter.
  • Toke69
    Speaking of Sac State, while I can't disagree with AggieOutcast that they have few fans in Sacramento they are still a traditional Aggie rival. To underscore both points, I recall a game back in 1969 or 1970 when the Ags were in the thick of a conference title and played the Hornets in Sacramento. I went to the game with a bunch of my friends and found their gym overflowing with UCD students. The home team's bleachers had Aggies surrounding the small Sac State crowd on both sides. I felt almost sorry for the Hornets, whom we beat.
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