• 72Aggie
    2022-23 competition between UCD and CSUS began today, sort of, with a 1-1 tie in women's soccer in a match played in Sac. Kick-off was advanced a couple of hours in hopes of avoiding some of the heat.

    Running score is 2.5-2.5.

    Next event is volleyball at 3:00 this coming Monday in Davis.
  • 72Aggie
    Aggies defeated Sac in volleyball this afternoon in a match played in Davis. Score was 3-1 (25-20, 25-27, 25-16, 25-22)

    Causeway score is now UCD 7.5, CSUS 2.5.

    Next event is men's soccer on October 29 at Sac.
  • 72Aggie
    Men's soccer final from Sac: UCD 2, Sac 1. A mild upset and a nice victory on their pitch. Davis qualifies for the Big West Tournamment and Sac is eliminated.

    Causeway score is now UCD 12.5, CSUS 2.5.

    Next events are men's and women's cross country at the NCAA regionals in Seattle on November 11.
  • 72Aggie
    UCD Men’s Cross Country finished 22nd in the NCAA West Regionals today with 662 points and a total time of 2:35:51 while Sac finished 28th with 799 points and a total time of 2:38:48.

    In the Women’s competition UCD finished 15th with 402 points and a total time of 1:43:01, while the Sac women finished 29th with 847 points and a total time of 1:49:04.

    The running tally for the Causeway Cup is now UCD 22.5, CSUS 2.5. Apparently there is a football game coming up on the 19th.
  • 72Aggie
    Them 27, Us 21
    Causeway Score: UCD 22.5, CSUS 7.5

    Next events are the basketball games on this coming Tuesday, the 22nd.
  • 72Aggie
    Women's basketball
    Sac 67, UCD 45
    Causeway Score: UCD 22.5, CSUS 12.5

    Next event is men's basketball in about half an hour....
  • 72Aggie
    Men's basketball
    UCD 82, CSUS 71
    Causeway Score: UCD 27.5, CSUS 12.5

    Next event (I think) is gymnastics, January 8th at Sacramento.
  • 72Aggie
    Always guess work to figure out just what is and what isn't a Causeway Cup event anymore as the UCD website is not well maintained and Sac simply does not have any listing for the competition on their athletic website, but if anything I will error on the side of including an event rather than excluding it. Ags defeated CSUS in gymnastics this afternoon at a meet in Sacramento. Final score was UCD 194.050, CSUS 191.375. The teams will meet four times this season, so I awarded just 1.25 points for the victory. At that the running score is now UCD 28.75, CSUS 12.5. I believe the next meeting between the two schools will be a women's golf meet, the Valley Invitational, on February 6th and 7th in Bakersfield. CA.
  • 72Aggie
    The Aggie women's golf team came in second overall with a three round score of 898 at the the Valley Invitational in Bakersfield. The team finished one stroke behind first place USF. Sac finished 4th with a score of 912.

    This is a very young Aggie team, with five sophomores and two freshmen on the overall roster. The official team for this event included four sophomores and one freshman.

    Again, there is a lot of speculation in determining just what the current Causeway Cup score may be, but I have it at UCD 30.08, CSUS 12.5.

    The next meeting between the two schools is this coming Thursday at 2:30 when the two teams meet in softball at Sacramento as the Hornets host the NorCall Kickoff.
  • DrMike
    Webpage doesn’t show golf in the list of events. Has us up 27.5 - 12.5.

  • 72Aggie
    "Webpage doesn’t show golf in the list of events. Has us up 27.5 - 12.5."

    Which is what leads to my comment about speculation and the running score.

    The webpage lists women's cross country, but not men's cross country. Davis won that. That should be 5 more points for Davis.

    The webpage says gymnastics shall be determined by home and away meets however the Causeway Cup webpage says are three meets this year, one a quadruple meet. THe gymnastics scehdule shows a fourth meet, a quadruple meet at Cal. Do we just count the two dual meets? Also the webpage says the five points for each sport are to be divided by the number of times teams meet, so if teams meet twice each meeting is worth 2.5 points. Three meetings gets confusing. Do they get 1.3 points? 1.33 or 1.34? Four would be 1.25 points.Not sure which of the gymnastics meets should count. The webpage awarded Davis five points for the Davis win earlier this year yet as noted there are two (ot three) meetings remaining on the schedules. Depending upon what the powers-that-be decide, that should be 2.5 or 1.3 (1.333333???) or 1.25, but not 5.

    Beach volleyball is supposed to follow the same rules as gymnastics, only home and away matches. Beach volleyball is listed on the webpage as meeting four times, a dual meet in Davis and in three tournaments, none of which are in Davis or Sacramento.

    As Dr. Mike notes the webpage does not list women's golf, or men's golf for that matter, yet the women are scheduled to meet three times this year and the men's teams once.

    I have tried to score it in the light most favorable to Sac in the spirit of fairness, and if necessary bending over a bit backward.

    And it is worth repeating, that other school simply no longer has a page for the Causeway Cup....maybe we have already won by default.
  • Jackbacker2
    Any thoughts on making the Causeway cup more meaningful? Or is this concept outdated?
  • DrMike
    Sac's website makes no mention of it.....so......
  • AggieFinn2
    The people who should care the most (the students) don't care as much about rivalries and school athletic events anymore and the website tries to cater to the students, what with the Twitter wall and all.. The Causeway Cup is all-inclusive, which means it contains 1 or 2 sports they kind of care about and several they don't.
  • Jackbacker2
    Hi AggieFinn2,

    Do you think that the Causeway Cup lacks interest because it doesn't touch enough students. What are your thoughts about expanding it? I know in the past UCD and Sac's ROTC had all kinds of competitions. What do you think about expanding it to club sports and even Intramural championship teams? Campus rec or such departments at both schools would oversee these competitions. These club and intramural teams would have fun and could easily post on Instagram, Twitter and other social platforms.
  • 72Aggie
    Softball defeated Sac at Sacramento this afternoon, 2-1.

    Using the your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine scoring system, Ags lead the running Causeway score, 32.58 to 12.5.

    Next up, I think, is gymnastics dual met at Davis this coming Sunday.
  • AggieFinn2
    Exactly, it doesn't touch enough students to receive the interest it used to. Part of the problem is the general sterilization of the game atmosphere which accompanied the move to Division I. At UCD events I've attended in the current era I remember being inundated with "this is how you must behave" messages. We all know right from wrong (except for some unnamed college students, who are still trying to differentiate left from right) so this is a little insulting, and it lends itself to a stuffy atmosphere. People know the rules at these games. As Homer Simpson put it "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." And not caring is the reason for the poor behavior much more often than not knowing the rules.

    So what does a stuffy atmosphere have to do with less interest ? Rivalries are often strongest when the two schools and students really dislike each other (or they at least say they do, but leave it at the game) When I was a student every major event (football + men's basketball, and baseball but only when a certain team was visiting) had some features where the students were encouraged to hate on the opposing school. I remember a football game in which they lynched a dummy in a Cal Poly uniform from a Toomey Field goalpost. Now that was pretty extreme but it encaptured the whole "The other team is the enemy and so is anyone who likes them," attitude that made the game more intense and motivated people to really get into it.

    Now, you have more of a restrictive atmosphere where you're told what to do and be nice at penalty of cancellation. Is this better or worse ? Depends on who you are and where you are in life. I graduated a long time ago, and as an older alum my days of heckling the other team and getting all wound up during the game are far behind me, so I'm fine with "Everybody be nice" now. In reality everybody should be nice, but it's a bit naive I think (and I'm referring only people in general, not you) to wonder where all the super-passionate fans went.

    And it's how society is going in general too I think. As you have more and more people who are engaging in cancel culture and trying to dictate how people should act and what they should say the closer American society creeps toward resembling Nazi Germany or the Chinese Communist Party. I'm not equating a "be nice" message at a football game with the Nazis by any means, just that the more restrictive things get the stronger the comparisons get in today's society.

    But once a year we get a portal into the past where people show up in droves to hate and be obnoxious and that is the Causeway Classic. They really should change the name to ""The Nasty Bowl" because the unruly crowd generally dwarfs the hosting university's ability to regulate it, and therefore nastiness is often left unchecked. Or maybe call it the "Toilet Bowl" when it's held at Hornet Stadium ?

    Now could we bottle a tiny bit of that nasty football rivalry and spread it to other sports to interest more people ? I don't really think so. If you've been to say a Causeway baseball game at Sac State or Davis it doesn't get very heated-the fans mostly behave. You might have a few people up on the Sac State parking garage yelling insults but I get the impression that this is because they live in their cars and they are just projecting their frustration with their lack of personal life success onto the Aggies.

    Take out the football rivalry and the two universities are really just doing their own thing and their identities are not really intertwined.

    Now, expanded intramural competition would probably be a lot of fun for the participants , but I don't see it generating much student enthusiasm beyond the events in which they're personally invested.
  • 72Aggie
    I almost hesitate to write at all anymore, however the UCD gymnastics team defeated Sac 196.750 to 194.625 in a dual meet in Davis this afternoon.

    Again with conservative scoring the running score is now UCD 33.83, CSUS 12.5.

    Next event is men's tennis on February 25th in Sacramento.

    EDIT:(Feb. 25, 2023): I recorded the date for the men's tennis match as February 25th. The UCD Causeway page has it as February 15th. The golf page for both schools has the date as April 12th. At this point it appears to be April 12th, at Sacramento.

    As of now, the women's golf schedule for both schools says they will each be competing in the Causeway Invitiational to be held the coming Monday and Tuesday, February 27th-28, at the Del Paso Country Club in Sacramento. Safe bet that the weather may have something to say about that.
  • 72Aggie
    Wet weather and a wetter course resulted in the reduction of the Causeway Inivtational to a single round. Sac finished 4th of 13 with a score of 297, six strokes ahead of the Ags who finished 7th with a total score of 303.

    In good news Aggie sophomore Abby Leighton was the overall medalist at the event.

    Running score, such as it is, appears to be UCD 33.83, CSUS13.83.

    Next up is beach volleyball tomorrow, March 1, at Davis. That match will be preceded by a UCD match against UOP.

    Weather permitting of course.

    In other "Causeway" news the teams have added a fourth baseball game on March 6th to be played at Sac. The April 11th game, previously scheduled at Sac, is now scheduled to be played at Davis.
  • AggieFinn2
    They appear to be making up for lost time. The two teams haven't faced each other since 2019. Their 2020 contests were wiped out by COVID-19. In 2021 they were eliminated by COVID-19 too but mainly because of the difficulty scheduling mid-week games with so many restrictions. And last year it was because Sac filled out its dance card while Davis was sorting through the hazing mess.
  • 72Aggie
    I assume the recent cancellation of games freed up some room on the team schedules, and gave the teams some incentive to get another early season game in. A Monday game? Followed by a Tuesday game in a home-and-away, (or I should say away-and-home) match up?

    Again, weather permitting.
  • 72Aggie
    The weather permitted as the Aggie women defeated Sac, 3-2, in beach volleyball this afternoon. Earlier Davis swept UOP, 5-0.

    Running score is, I think, UCD 35.08, CSUS 13.83.

    There are several competitions between the schools this coming weekend:

    Friday: Gymnastics at a quadrangle meet at Sacramento with Southern Utah, San Jose State, Sac and UCD.

    Saturday: Both teams are scheduled to compete in beach volleyball at the Big West Coast Tournament in Santa Cruz. The schools' schedules differ on whether the teams will play each other.

    Sunday: The softball teams are scheduled to compete in the Capitol Classic to be held at both schools over the weekend. Other entries are Alabama State, Sienna, Southern Utah, and St. Mary's. Ags and Hornets are scheduled to play each other on Sunday in Davis.

    Monday and Tuesday: The baseball teams meet for two games in two days with Sac hosting the Monday game and Davis hosting the Tuesday contest.
  • 72Aggie
    Gymnastic from Sac: UCD 2nd of 4, 196.475 - CSUS 4th of 4, 195.450

    Running (very unofficial) cup score: UCD 36.33, CSUS 13.83

    Beach volleyball today in Santa Cruz.
    Note: The Ags and Hornets did not meet in the tournament....which means they meet three times this season rather than four, and each meeting would be worth 1.33 points rather than 1.25, so the Causeway score should be UCD 36.41, CSUS 13.83.
  • 72Aggie
    Today's softball score: UCD 7, CSUS 4.

    How long has it been since we've swept softball?

    Causeway score: UCD 38.91, CSUS 13.83.
  • 72Aggie
    As noted on a baseball thread, the baseball schedule has changed yet again. Monday's game at Sacramento has been canceled. The Tuesday game in Davis is still on as scheduled and the April 11th game has been moved back to Sacramento..

    Another quirk: Sac has women's rowing as a varstiy team. Davis has rowing at the club sport level. The CSUS schedule lists a May 6 competition against UC Davis. The UC Davis Rowing Club confirms that.
  • 72Aggie
    Baseball score from Sac: CSUS 9, UCD 6
    Estimated Running Causeway Cup Score: UCD 38.91, CSUS 15.16

    Next meeting is a quadruple gymnastics meet along with Cal and Arizona to be held at Berkeley on March 12th.
  • 72Aggie
    Gymnastic from Berkeley: UCD 3rd of 4, 196.425 - CSUS 4th of 4, 194.875

    Running (very unofficial) cup score: UCD 40.16, CSUS 15.16.

    Next event is the Big West Challenge in beach volleyball, to be held the weekend of March 25-26 in San Luis Obispo. The Aggies and Hornets are scheduled to meet on Saturday afternoon.
  • 72Aggie
    UCD swept Sac in beach volleyball today, 5-0, at the Big West Challenge in San Luis Obispo.

    Now, I will confess that in my advancing years I screwed up the math in my unofficial running tally for the moribund Causeway Cup. I won't go into the details, but as recalculated I have the score as UCD 42.51, CSUS 15.84.

    I believe the next meeting between the schools is in women's golf as both teams are entered in the Wyoming Cowgirl Classic on April 3-4. That of course is held in Maricopa, Wyoming, er, Arizona.
  • DrMike
    according to an email sent today, the score is 35.02 to 14.17!

    Don’t ask
  • 72Aggie
    This is all a "fling the pasta against the wall and see what sticks" sort of scoring. The page on the UCD Athletic website still does not include men's cross country or women's golf. The gymnastics teams competed four times, but the page only includes three (though since the Ags swept the season, that really doesn't matter.)

    There are random 1/100ths of points floating around when teams compete three times and the winner gets 1.67 points, creating a possibility of a team winning all three meetings and being awarded an extra .01 point.

    In any event, IF women's golf is included, the news today out of the Wyoming Cowgirl Classic (in Arizona) is not good for Davis. Final results are CSUS, 1st of 20 teams, 885 strokes - UCD 12th of 20, 921.

    My 'your guess is as good as mine' tally is UCD 42.51, CSUS 17.51. That includes 5 ppoints for the cross country win, 1.67 for a women's golf win and 3.34 to Sac for two women's golf wins.

    Next scheduled event is baseball, April 11th, in Davis.
  • 72Aggie
    With the baseball win (!!) I have the running score as UCD 44.18, CSUS 17.51.

    Two events this weekend with men's golf competing at the El Macero Classic, Friday-Sunday, and beach volleyball at a tournament at UOP on Saturday.

    The UCD Causeway Cup website does not list men's golf. (In fact it does not list golf at all, men's or women's.)

    Men's tennis teams are schduled to meet on April 19th at Sac, but that is not listed on the UCD Causeway Cup website...
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