• BaseballAtDobbins
    First we had the tragic loss of the "Compassion Guy" at Central Park in Davis.

    Then last night we lost a UCD Student at Sycamore Park, who was also a Davis High School graduate (a townie too). https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/davis/killed-stabbing-sycamore-park/103-c8ceadb3-25d8-4259-aa1e-f85397dc58e1

    Both were stabbings. Gotta be a serial killer on the loose.
  • movielover
    Very sad. Deranged homeless?
  • AggieFinn2
    I remember "The Compassion Guy" from several visits to Davis, always sitting on the colorful bench across the street from the park. I recall having some pleasant brief interactions with him.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    That was a really good read.

    @aggieFinn: Yeah, at first I thought he was just asking for money but then I warmed up to him. Do you know what year he began living in Davis?
  • AggieFinn2
    I don't know but I remember seeing him almost every time I came to Davis. Don't think I saw him this year, but probably last year.
  • AggieFinn2
    In a place like Davis two murders in a short time are probably the work of 1 person.

    I think unfortunately compassion may have lead to the undoing of Compassion Guy, not his own but the so-called compassion that drives this overly permissive attitude in society. People who are dangerous and batcrap crazy are allowed to wander around free as you please while people who rhetorically defend them can do so because they are never really tested on their social media courage. And so the crazies are allowed to walk around killing people because locking them up is not compassionate. I guess the lives of innocents are a small price to pay for knowing people's delicate feelings will be spared, right ? And I don't care who's offended by my choice of words either. Crazy is crazy.

    I think movielover is probably not far off-the killer is probably a homeless drifter off his meds and off his rocker. This may be grasping at straws here, but the victims were a man who frequented a popular bench and a young man in a park. A park and a bench across from a park, what do they have in common ? They are places homeless would frequent. Could these have been the result of a territory dispute ? A crazy guy resented a student being in "his" park ?
  • CA Forever
    What the hell? A 3rd stabbing? I hope anyone who is residing in Davis stays safe. Probably a good idea to not hang out around downtown after dark right now.

  • CA Forever
    Update is that the 3rd victim is alive, but in critical condition. Victim was a member of a homeless encampment and just started getting stabbed through her tent.
  • movielover
    Copy cat attack?

    Different cities accept / reject the open drug bazaars and mentally ill (aka homeless). Davis accepts it, embraces it. Like San Francisco. A friend who lives in town says there are many very angry, unstable individuals.

    I don't call it compassion to let people with severe mental illness live on the streets, or to allow the drug culture to threaten women, children, and civil
  • CA Forever
    It's not my place to make assumptions on the status of the suspect. I just hope that this individual gets caught before more lives are lost.
  • movielover
    I agree, first things first. The biggest tragedy I recall off hand was the couple killed skiing in Tahoe?
  • AggieFinn2
    The description of the suspect is kind of vague. There could have been a lot of short men with curly hair going out jogging in the last couple of weeks and therefore wearing Addidas pants being reported to the police. Nosy paranoid people calling the police over anything.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Thursday 9:45 a.m.: Davis police plan a press conference at 2 p.m. Thursday regarding its investigation into the the past week’s trio of violent stabbings.

    “The Davis Police Department continues to have a person detained in connection with the two homicides and attempted homicide that have occurred over the past week. Because services are taking place for (homicide victim) Karim Abou Najm, and out of an abundance of respect for his family at this time, no further details will be released until the press conference at 2 p.m.,” the agency posted on its Facebook page.

    I believe that the local TV news station will be carrying the press conference live at 2 pm.

  • BlueGoldAg
    Nosy paranoid people calling the police over anything.AggieFinn2

    15 people called the Davis Police to report the individual who fit the description of the suspect and who was wandering around in Sycamore Park where the second homicide occurred. Their vigilance led to today's arrest. They weren't being "nosy." They were being responsible citizens and their actions may have prevented additional murders.
  • movielover
    Carlos Reales Dominguez, a 3rd year student who was "separated from the university April 25 for academic reasons", has been arrested.

    He originally hails from Oakland, was pre-med, and I believe studying biological sciences. He allegedly returned to the crime scene in the same clothes from attack #3, and had a large fixed-blade knife on him along with marks on his hands and wrists consist with a struggle.

    He has been charged with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted murder.
  • agalum
    The guy had the knife in his backpack. Have to wonder what snapped in him. He looked very disheveled.
  • movielover
    San Jose Mercury: "In an Oakland Story Bank project page documenting young Oakland students’ career aspirations, a 15-year-old Castlemont High School student named Carlos Reales shared his interests in video games, football and a medical career. He talked about his desire to care for his grandmother, who suffers with diabetes, and how the 2016 internship boosted his confidence and honed his desire to give back to the community."

    "...KRON-4 reported he attended Oakland’s Laney College before UC Davis."

    He graduated from Castlemont High School in Oakland.
  • AggieFinn2
    As someone who has been detained as a potential suspect by police for simply walking- because some nosy person driving past thought I looked suspicious I have my own axe to grind with "good neighbors". My experience and opinion I believe is no less valid just because others may not agree. Do they mention how many people they questioned who had done nothing wrong ? If you throw stones randomly around in any community gathering you're going to hit some people with police records. I would be surprised if they didn't.

    Glad they caught the guy though. Probably wouldn't have made much of a doctor since he didn't have the good sense to get the heck out of Dodge once he committed either of the first two murders. He had a bike, go to Woodland. Lots of sketchy types there, easier to blend in. Also he could have probably lived in/behind that old Mervyn's where they refused to take down the sign years after the company went out of business. Just saying-the Woodland Mall is practically a ghost town and he doesn't seem too bright, if indeed he committed the murders he's not too bright.

    Queue the "He's a victim and had mental issues. The man needs treatment not jail time," music. A That's a jab at society, not you by the way.
  • movielover
    Yup, he should have at least cut his hair, changed his clothes, and not hung around the crime scene.
  • AggieFinn2
    Lol, yeah, no excuse for that. How'd this guy get into UCD anyway ?
  • agalum
    I’m wondering if he was trying to get caught. There was a quote from him, paraphrasing, “I knew you guys were looking for me.” Recently released from UCD for academic reasons, maybe that contributed to him snapping.
  • BlueGoldAg
    This whole tragedy is very sad for everyone involved. It appears that the suspect had a promising future at one point in his life. He was featured in the Oakland Health Pathways organization:

    Known as the Oakland Health Pathways Partnership, the aim of the program is to give students hands-on job training in a growing field and help diversify the health care workforce, where Blacks and Latinos are significantly underrepresented.

    In 2019-20, more than 1,500 students in seven Oakland Unified high schools, including a continuation school and a school for recent immigrants, were enrolled in the health career pathway.

    In addition to taking college preparatory science classes, they did internships at local health facilities such as Highland Hospital, a regional trauma center and 236-bed teaching hospital that’s run by the county.


    From his featured page with the program:

    My grandmother used to take care of me when I was young, and now I take care of her. I’m the oldest in my family. My parents work, so I take care of my younger brother and sister, take them to school. I help with the cooking and cleaning. The MIMS internship taught me how to fix my brother’s cut and tell my grandmother good foods for her to eat.

    As a doctor, I want to give back to the community. I love sports and want to open my own sports medicine clinic, provide free physicals, and get other doctors to come and help too.

  • movielover
    He seems a little naive when he says medicine will be fun. I know he was in HS. Still, it's a daunting high pressure path at the UC.
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